Yesterday spent a blissful couple of hours on an absolutely fabulous farm tour hosted by a fellow permaculture classmate.
Lots to absorb and be inspired by, but the climate on this side is considerably wetter and I have the mosquito bites to prove it!. Many things that grow easily here, won’t do so well on the dry side. But it’s nice to dream. My plant list grows nearly daily.

A Jungle Tunnel. I forget the plant, but I think it’s a relative of mangrove.

Beautiful ginger flower.

Another sweet flower.

This is a loofa flower! It’s in the gourd family and is definitely one I will be growing.

You can see a loofa in this trellis growing just to the right of the T-post. It was probably close to 18″ long. Grow your own sponges anyone?

Cashew tree. Just starting to bud…will be a while yet for the fruit to form. I’ve never seen one before. There are so many plants that I’ve never seen.

This is a Malabar Chestnut. It does grow in my area and I will be growing them

Was generously given some plant starts and seedlings by our gracious host. From left to right: Gliricidia, 2 jars of lemon grass and 2 malabar chestnut seedlings.

The killer view. One of many!
The weird looking fruit on the front page is called a Rollinia Deliciousa.

It’s a relative of the Cherimoya (which do grow in my area). I may give this thing a try. It’s supposed to taste like lemon meringue pie!