This post is going to be kind of random and all over the place. Lots has happened. All is well here and I am grateful. The resilience and aloha spirit shines through.
Ran into a local gang of turkeys on my way home.
A new little digger arrived to help with the final push to get the grading done. It’s about the most adorable machine ever! Just for scale, the gentleman driving it is 6’3″.
There were lots of little project that this thing was able to do. Not the least of which is get into some really tight places. Rocks got moved, hills got weeded, plumbing trenches dug, tree holes dug, and gate posts installed. A very versatile machine indeed!
Weeding with a digger. (above) Gate post install (below).

Not only was the hole dug (down 3 feet), but the post was actually put in with the machine as well. I’ve been hoarding these 12′ logs from back when the trees were cleared. They come from the property.

Eventually I’ll get a farm gate put between them. Yet another thing to add to the list. And one to cross off as well! Gate posts installed. Check.
In addition to the little machine work, I also had the septic system installed. Big job!
After the septic was completed, the final gravel deliveries arrived to finish off the house pad and driveway.
This is the view of the house pad from the garden shed. (top of property)

This is the view of the house pad from the work shed. You can see some of the rock relocation and a line of vetiver plants along the edge of the path. They look like little sticks of straw now, but once they take, it will be a beautiful grass hedge.

I also managed to squeeze in some plumbing and got the outdoor shower operational. It needs some refinement, but it’s nearly there.

The last little bit is still a work in progress. I’m paneling the ceiling of the shed with pallet wood and adding some more insulation. It’s slow going….gather pallets, disassemble pallets, de-nail the wood, sand the wood, cut to size, nail it up. Oh and stuff the cavity with insulation. This will take a while….

Now that the guys and the machines are gone, it’s time for the quiet work. Planting, endless weeding, organizing. I hope to resume the big work of actually building the house next year.