Last November I was gifted a sweet potato in a pot. I plunked it into the ground near the rock wall and pretty much forgot about it. Well, it got *very* big and produced my first harvest! (as seen in the thumbnail).
Next we had some materials deliver, the first being this stuff called ‘crusher run’. It’s a mix of damp gravel of many sizes and fines to stick everything together when it’s crushed. The 16 ton dump truck delivers 9 yards (as in ‘the whole nine yards’) at a time. Here’s a video of him backing up the dirt driveway.
After the crusher is delivered, the gentleman who drives the skid steer (named ‘butternut’) deposits a bucket load, spreads it out and runs back and forth on it to Crush it. He does this in six inch ‘lifts’. This is so that there will be a flat foundation to build on.
In addition to crusher delivery, I’ve also received my first lumber delivery which exhibits some very skilled 3 wheeled forklift driving. In the first part he delivered a pallet of concrete pier blocks weighing God knows how much and then driving down a temporary road that his vehicle barely fits in. (I think I held my breath for that part) The second part shows a bundle of 20 foot lumber being dropped off safely without hitting the bank of the driveway or anything else for that matter. Mad skills!
This was a crazy busy day and the farm has never seen so many trucks!

The lumber and pier blocks are for building ‘the barn’ which is on an elevated gravel ‘pad’ that sits above the water tank location. The roof of the barn will be the initial source of water catchment to feed the tank. And…..will later hold the solar array. My own private utilities of water and electricity provided by the land.

We have had to move some of the initial plants from the lower beds to pots and grow-bags in the upper beds in preparation for planting.