Things continue to move forward. The garden shed got a pallet wood makeover with rockwool insulation. Since the shed is in the south corner with no shade, it takes a beating from the sun. I don’t want to roast in there! It took 22 pallets to cover the 12’x16′ area. Free wood, but a lot of work to disassemble, sand, cut to fit etc. Below is the automatic slideshow. You can pause it by hovering your mouse over the picture.
Some other accomplishments…. the whole house water filter leaks, so I got it fixed and the Ultra Violet filter moved to a better location. Plus, I now have a potable water spigot! Eventually, the whole thing will get a cabinet around it. My ‘honey do’ list keeps getting longer.

Other project that got completed is a mulch path behind the shed.

Just for reference, the weed block is six feet wide. Sadly, it’s difficult to get mulch just now. Two of my sources dried up and I’m hunting around for other providers.
We’ve had a bit of rain lately. Not much, but enough to top off the water tank and water the prodigious weeds!