June was very quiet but so far, July has taken off with a bang. We needed to put up a dust fence between us and the nearest neighbor, but there’s no electricity (or water) on site. I chose to get a portable solar generator (rather than a stinky, noisy gas one) to give us power for running tools. Worked like a charm! These are the panels…they fold up like little briefcases.

New dust fence (which will later be converted to an 8 foot deer fence) with our apricot blooming in front. Fingers crossed we get some fruit. Still needs some more pruning.

Very happy coleus taken from a cutting last November. It’s probably 2 feet across now.

The ‘weeds’ are very prolific and these are growing on the neighboring fence.

Volunteer Sharwil avocado growing in the vetiver nursery….actually there’s close to a dozen babies. All we’ve been doing is burying our compost. They *really* like this soil!

Topsoil scraped away in preparation for house foundation….still some leveling to do.
Drone flyover showing the current state….long video.
After a very quiet June, it’s wonderful to see such significant progress in just 2 weeks. And the month is not over yet!