Yesterday we had our first real rain since about March. We went thinking that it’s just a passing shower, but it was about an inch and a half. Needless to say…work was not done.
Today, the forecast said rain by around lunchtime, so — quick like bunnies — we set off to do some more clearing. In the process of bringing down some old dead branches, Lo And Behold!! Jackson Chameleons!! A male and female.
We carefully lopped off the branch they were on and relocated them to a safer area.
Along the NE fence is a corridor of sorts that still has a lot of previously felled and super dry vegetation. Since we took a break from the power tools, it was just the silky saw for bigger stuff and a ‘whacker’ branch to just knock everything to the ground for stomping. Everything is super dry, so it breaks easily.
Here’s the before of my “area of focus”:

And here is after:

Next time we return, chainsaws will be coming along to deal with the larger branches.
Lastly, Barb was able to get to the edge of the berm in the front, reducing a stand of blackberry (sadly, not very tasty ones) and more of the previously felled branches.