So after the big build-up to the chipper coming, February in contrast, is very very slow. Basically waiting to be slotted into other peoples calendars. Engineer grading plans, driveway guy plus our two favorite machine operators. County Planning Department. <sigh>
Meanwhile, we are slowly chipping away at getting the ‘Alley’ neat and organized. This is a 15′ wide stretch that runs along the NE side between the ancient rock wall and the fence.

There is still quite a bit of debris leftover that needs to be dealt with. My hope is to turn all that lovely carbon and nitrogen into rich soil. Plus stockpiling as much firewood as is reasonable.
I also wanted to get some ‘nursery’ plants into the ground to establish for later propagation and transplanting. Repurposing the abundant lava on site to build raised beds. So far there’s lemon grass, vetiver, comfrey and some coleus.
Hired some youthful energy to help with the moving of all that material.
While the ladies were slogging away at the bottom, I was mulching the original ‘jungle steps’ at the top of the alley.

We’ve almost met in the middle….just about 20′ left to go, plus building the remaining raised beds, cut up more firewood, hauling water to keep the nursery alive, and ….. and…. and…
Basically keeping busy while we wait.

Built another set of jungle steps from the driveway up to the main section, so we don’t continue to fall on our keisters while hauling tools from the truck.

Did another drone flyover for the architects to ‘see’ what’s there. It’s a LOT!