I recently learned this lovely German word during one of this week’s meditations.
beschaulich be•schau•lich 1 adj
a (=geruhsam) [Leben, Abend] quiet, tranquil [Charakter, Mensch] pensive, contemplative (Rel) contemplative
b adv (=geruhsam) quietly, tranquilly beschaulich dasitzen to sit contemplating
beschaulich leben to lead a simple life
I’m definitely leaning toward ‘leading a simple life’. The land is particularly quiet and tranquil – especially now that the guys running the machines are off on other jobs.
We’ve been taking more breaks from the heavy labor. Our favorite beach has a Sunday Dog gathering where they get to play with each other. When Halloween fell on a Sunday, they celebrated Maui Style!

Another local resident resting…..

Made some new ‘jungle stairs’ for the NE corner….

I was finally able to get Athena (my non-four-wheel-drive truck) up the dirt driveway. Have to take a bit of a running start, but she got up there!